
A central element to both games and performance is the design of an interactive score. Rule systems, scripts, and scores are structures that enable and guide action. Often they aim at finding a minimal form. The barebones that the participant can flesh out. What is the least structure needed to create emergent gameplay and lead participants into an experience in which they can surprise themselves?

Like a recipe, the score is a vehicle for passing on knowledge. Through a set of instructions, specific experiences may be reproduced in the absence of its author, often leaving room for interpretation to those that active them. A simple rule can open up endless variations of complex choreographies, especially if the specific context of the participant is relevant to the activation of the score.

While game rules may tend to focus on creating an experience through external means, such as instructed actions and setting boundaries that delineate the magic circle of the gamespace, performance practice has developed ways to create an experience internally, guiding the perception of the participant through attention exercises and somatic scores.

Somatic Scores approach given themes through knowledge of the body by directing the focus on the functions of the organs (eg. the breath) experiencing the environment or even an imaginary situation more consciously through specific senses, movement or touch.